Daedalus and icarus story
Daedalus and icarus story

daedalus and icarus story

In his workshop he had an apprentice – his nephew Talos (not the same Talos that is the bronze mechanical protector of Crete, another Talos), or alternatively called Perdix, son of his sister. Daedalus rose to prominence as the greatest sculptor and architect of Athens. The legend of Daedalus has his origins in Athens, not Crete, as a descendent of the great King Erectheus. This best known of all the stories of Daedalus is not the first chapter in his story, nor is it the last.

daedalus and icarus story

What happened to Daedalus after Icarus died? Some versions of the myth have Hercules recognizing the boy, and bringing him to Daedalus. Icarus’s body was finally washed ashore on another island – the one that is now named Icaria. Daedalus saw he was no longer with him and searched sky and sea. Icarus died from his fall into the sea near Samos. When we know more of the story of Daedalus, below, we may also see a tragic poetic retribution for an act in Daedalus’ past. More conventionally, we can simply see this as a tale of how youth can often ignore the advice of those wider and older, and the tragic results this can have. Icarus symbolizes what can happen to us when we yearn for the impossible, and forget our humility.


Icarus symbolizes the mortal desire to break free of the constraints of the laws of mortals – to feel like a god. But more than that, this is a story about using power wisely and with caution. Icarus symbolizes our own yearnings to strive. It is not just a tragedy, but a timeless cautionary tale. But the other, more lasting tragedy is that his fall came ultimately from his father’s invention, as well as from his own hubris. The myth of Daedalus and Icarus is a tragedy for two reasons. Why is the myth of Daedalus and Icarus considered a tragedy? In memory of Icarus, we have the name of the island Icaria, just west of Samos. The sun melted the wax on his wings, and he fell into the sea. He traces their path heading north from Crete: “And now Samos, sacred to Juno, lay ahead to the left ( Delos and Paros were behind them), Lebinthos, and Calymne, rich in honey, to the right.” All went well until then, when Icarus then, forgetting himself in the joy of flight, flew upwards. Ovid’s telling of the tale is the main one that we have inherited. Also read: Theseus, Zeus, Minos, Cronus - The Most Famous Myths of Crete

Daedalus and icarus story